INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Trade and Service Limited Liability Company (hereinafter: INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft.)
the consumer and INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. comply in the following manner. 45/2014 in relation to the contract between (II.26.) Govt. on the basis of Section 11 (1) of the Regulation, of its obligation to provide information to the consumer
a) INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. about the essential features of the product according to the contract. at its headquarters or on the website, by clicking directly on the given product, you can find information from the description of the given product.
b) INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. full company name: INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Trading and Service Limited Liability Company.
c) INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. postal address of its headquarters: 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Csepeli út 15.
INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. phone number: (+36) 20 967 4211
INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. email address:
INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. acts on his own behalf.
d) You can send any complaints to INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. You can address it to Csepeli út 15, 2310 Szigetszentmiklós.
e) You are INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. of the total amount of consideration for the product according to the contract increased by tax, as well as the method of its calculation, as well as all the costs incurred in addition, or if these costs cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, the indication of the fact that additional costs may arise, the On the website, you can find information on the one hand by clicking directly on the given product, and on the other hand at
f) INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. does not apply contracts for an indefinite period or including a subscription.
g) INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. you do not have to pay the fee charged for the use of the device (e.g. telephone, fax, e-mail) used to conclude the contract, enabling communication between those who are absent.
h) INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft., you and INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. on the terms of performance of the contract between, in particular the payment and the performance deadline, as well as the method of possible complaint handling, INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. provides detailed information in the General Terms and Conditions applied by
i) You have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without giving reasons. Likewise, once the performance of the contract has begun, you are entitled to terminate the contract within 14 days without reason.
The withdrawal/termination period expires 14 days after the date of conclusion of the contract.
You have the right to withdraw from the contract without setting an additional deadline, if the time of performance of the sales contract is of fundamental importance in view of all the circumstances related to the conclusion of the contract, or INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZAT has informed you of its fundamental importance before the conclusion of the contract, and according to this information, the contract must be considered as which should have been completed at the specified completion time - and not at any other time.
If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal/termination, you must send your clear statement containing your intention to withdraw/terminate by post to the address Csepeli út 15, 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, or by electronic mail to the address For this purpose, you can also use the cancellation/termination statement sample below.
I, the undersigned, declare (declare) that I (we exercise) my/our right of withdrawal/termination regarding the contract for the sale of the following product/s: (indicate the product/s that are the subject of the contract)
Date of conclusion of contract:
Name of the consumer(s):
Address of the consumer(s):
Signature of the consumer(s): (only in the case of a statement made on paper)
You can also fill out the withdrawal/termination declaration form on our website ( or submit another statement clearly expressing your intention to withdraw/terminate. If you decide otherwise, we will immediately confirm the receipt of the withdrawal/termination on a durable data medium (e.g. by electronic mail).
The right of withdrawal/termination shall be deemed to have been asserted within the deadline if you send your statement within 14 days of the conclusion of the contract. You are responsible for proving that you have exercised the right of withdrawal/termination in accordance with the above rules.
j) If you exercise your right of withdrawal or cancellation, you must bear the cost of returning the product, because INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. does not undertake to bear this cost. INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. also informs you that if you exercise your right of withdrawal or termination, the product cannot be returned by mail.
k) If you terminate the contract after the start of performance, the amount to be paid by you during settlement will be calculated on the basis of the total amount of the consideration established in the contract plus tax. If you can prove that the total amount is excessively high, the proportionate amount must be calculated based on the market value of the services performed up to the date of termination of the contract.
l) You may not exercise your right of withdrawal/termination in the case of a non-pre-manufactured product that has been produced based on your instructions or at your express request, or in the case of a product that has been clearly tailored to you; regarding a perishable product or a product that retains its quality for a short time; with regard to a product with closed packaging that cannot be returned after being opened after delivery for reasons of health protection or hygiene; also with regard to a product which, by its nature, is inseparably mixed with another product after delivery.
m) Accessory warranty, product warranty, and sample warranty information:
1. Accessories warranty
In which case can you exercise your accessory warranty right?
In case of incorrect performance of ..., you can assert a warranty claim against the company in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.
What rights are you entitled to based on your warranty claim?
You can - according to your choice - make use of the following accessory warranty claims:
You can request a repair or replacement, unless the fulfillment of the request you choose is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional costs for the company compared to the fulfillment of another request.
If you did not or could not ask for the repair or replacement, you can request a proportional reduction of the compensation or you can repair the defect at the expense of the company, or you can have it repaired by someone else or - in the last case - you can also withdraw from the contract.
You can transfer from your chosen accessory warranty right to another, but you will bear the cost of the transfer, unless it was justified or the company gave a reason for it.
What is the deadline for asserting your warranty claim?
You are obliged to notify the error immediately after its discovery, if the notification is made within two months of the detection of the error, the notification shall be presumed to have been made without delay. At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you can no longer assert your accessory warranty rights beyond the two-year limitation period from the completion of the contract.
Who can you enforce your accessory warranty claim against?
You can assert your warranty claim against the company.
What other conditions are there for asserting your accessory warranty rights?
2. Product warranty
In what cases can you use your product warranty right?
In the event of a defect in a movable thing (product), you can - at your choice - assert a warranty claim for accessories or a claim for product warranty.
What rights do you have based on your product warranty claim?
As a product warranty claim, you can only request the repair or replacement of the defective product.
In which case is the product considered defective?
The product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force at the time it was placed on the market or if it does not have the properties described by the manufacturer.
What is the deadline for asserting your product warranty claim?
You can assert your product warranty claim within two years of the product being placed on the market by the manufacturer. After this deadline, you will lose this right.
Against whom and under what other conditions can you enforce your product warranty claim?
You may only exercise your product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable item. You must prove the defect of the product in the event of a product warranty claim.
In what cases is the manufacturer (distributor) exempt from product warranty obligations?
The manufacturer (distributor) is only released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that:
- the product was not manufactured or marketed as part of its business activities, or
- according to the state of science and technology, the defect was not recognizable at the time of placing it on the market or
- the defect of the product results from the application of legislation or mandatory official regulations.
It is sufficient for the manufacturer (distributor) to prove one reason for the exemption.
Please note that due to the same defect, you cannot assert an accessory warranty claim and a product warranty claim at the same time, in parallel with each other. However, if your product warranty claim is successfully asserted, you can assert your accessory warranty claim for the replaced product or repaired part against the manufacturer.
3. Warranty
In what cases can it be enforced?
In case of faulty performance.
What rights are you entitled to under the warranty and within what time frame?
When is the company released from its warranty obligation?
The company is exempted from warranty obligations only if it proves that the cause of the defect arose after performance.
I draw your attention to the fact that due to the same fault, you cannot assert a claim for accessory warranty and warranty, or a claim for product warranty and warranty at the same time, in parallel with each other, but otherwise you are entitled to the rights arising from the warranty regardless of your right to warranty for accessories or your claim for product warranty.
The warranty conditions are as follows:
Warranty period:
a) one year in the case of a sale price of HUF 10,000 but not exceeding HUF 100,000,
b) two years in the case of a sale price exceeding HUF 100,000 but not exceeding HUF 250,000,
c) three years above the selling price of HUF 250,000.
The warranty period begins on the day the Product is handed over to the consumer, or if the installation is carried out by INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ or its representative.
If the consumer puts the Product into operation more than six months from the date of handover, then the starting date of the warranty period is the day of handover of the Product.
The warranty does not cover defects resulting from improper installation of the Product, improper use, operation other than the instructions for use, improper storage, handling, vandalism, as well as damage caused by natural disasters.
If the Product is repaired, the warranty period is extended from the date of delivery for repair by the time during which the consumer could not use the Product as intended due to the defect.
The rights arising from the warranty can be asserted with the warranty card, which is not conditional on the return of the Product's opened packaging by the consumer. In the event that the warranty certificate is not provided to the consumer, the conclusion of the contract shall be considered proven if the consumer presents the document proving the payment of the consideration - invoice or receipt. In this case, the rights arising from the warranty can be asserted with a receipt confirming the payment of the consideration.
The consumer may assert his request for repair directly at the INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ headquarters, at any location, branch, or at the repair service indicated on the warranty card by INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ.
During the repair, only new parts may be installed in the Product.
If, during the first repair of the Product during the warranty period specified in this warranty card, INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ or the Repair Service determines that the Product cannot be repaired, the consumer is obliged to replace the Product under the Warranty within eight days, unless otherwise specified. If it is not possible to exchange the Product, the INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ is obliged to refund the purchase price to the consumer within eight days on the proof of payment of the Product - the invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the General Sales Tax Act - presented by the consumer.
If, during the specified warranty period, the Product breaks down again after being repaired three times - unless otherwise ordered by the consumer - and if the consumer does not request a proportional reduction of the purchase price, and the consumer does not wish to repair the Product at the expense of INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ or have it repaired by someone else , INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ is obliged to replace the Product within eight days. If it is not possible to exchange the Product, the INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ is obliged to refund the purchase price to the consumer within eight days, as shown on the proof of payment of the Product consideration - invoice or receipt - presented by the consumer.
If the Product is not repaired within the thirtieth day from the notification of the repair request to INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ, - unless otherwise ordered by the consumer - INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ is obliged to replace the Product within eight days after the ineffective expiration of the thirty-day deadline. If it is not possible to exchange the Product, the INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ is obliged to pay the purchase price indicated on the proof of payment of the Product presented by the consumer, on the invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the General Sales Tax Act, within eight days after the ineffective expiration of the thirty-day correction period. to refund to.
Products with a fixed connection or heavier than 10 kg, or which cannot be transported as hand luggage on public transport - with the exception of vehicles - must be repaired at the place of operation.
If the repair cannot be carried out at the place of operation, the INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ will take care of the disassembly and installation, as well as the delivery and return, or - in the case of a request for repair validated directly at the Repair Service - the Repair Service.
If the consumer asserts a replacement request within three working days of the purchase (commissioning) due to a malfunction of the Product, the INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ cannot claim disproportionate additional costs, but is obliged to replace the Product, provided that the malfunction prevents the intended use.
n) After-sales customer service and other services:
- the Seller's customer service: Csepeli út 15, 2310 Szigetszentmiklós.
- opening hours of the Seller's customer service: Mon-Thurs: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sun: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
o) INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. does not have a code of conduct.
p) r) INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. regarding the legal transactions used by
s) INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. does not ask for a deposit or other financial security.
t) on the functioning of the digital data content, as well as on the applicable technical protection measure
- Internet cookie files must be enabled for the site to function
- passwords are stored encrypted
- the database server is on an interface protected by a password and a firewall
u) in accordance with the knowledge that can reasonably be expected from the enterprise about the interoperability of the digital data content with hardware and software;
- the content of the page is accessible using modern desktop and mobile browser programs (the latest versions of Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Explorer)
v) You can contact INTERNET GAZDA ÁRUHÁZ Kft. with any complaints you may have. The address and opening hours of the customer service are governed by the information given in point n). INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. your possible complaints and objections to the General Terms and Conditions and the CLV of 1997 on consumer protection. handled in accordance with the provisions of the law.
w) You have the right to appeal to the conciliation body.
INTERNET GAZDA ARUHÁZ Kft. name of the conciliation body competent according to its seat: Conciliation Board operating under the City Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pest County and Érd County, or abbreviated: Pest County Conciliation Board.
The postal address of the seat of the conciliation body is: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. II. em. 240.
The correspondence address of the conciliation board is: Pest County Conciliation Board 1364 Budapest, Pf.: 81.
The telephone number of the conciliation board is (+36-1) 269-0703
The e-mail address of the conciliation board is:
Customer reception hours of the conciliation board: from Tuesday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.