Domark 10 EC 50 ml

USES AND DOSES Apple crops: 0,3-0,4 l/ha Grapes: 0,25-0,3 l/ha Recommended water volume: 500-1000 l/ha For home garden use, 3.0-4.0 ml Domark® per 10 l water (back spraying) RECOMMENDED?PLANT PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY Treatments against apple scab in apple crops should be started preventively in the period of ascospore infestation from redbud... Long description
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Apple crops: 0,3-0,4 l/ha Grapes: 0,25-0,3 l/ha Recommended water volume: 500-1000 l/ha

For home garden use, 3.0-4.0 ml Domark® per 10 l water (back spraying)

Treatments against apple scab in apple crops should be started preventively in the period of ascospore infestation from redbud phenological stage onwards, based on a forecast, and continued in blocks every 7-10 days, depending on the severity of the infestation. In all cases, the product should be applied in tank-mix with a contact formulation (e.g. Indofil® M-45). Do not apply more than 3-4 times per control season. Simultaneous control will also provide protection against secondary infections of apple powdery mildew. In apple varieties susceptible to powdery mildew, the effectiveness of control is significantly improved by professional pruning. In epidemic situations, combining them with sulphur preparations significantly increases the biological effectiveness of the control measures. In grapes, control of powdery mildew should be started on a preventive basis, based on forecasts and knowledge of the previous year's infestations. After major infestations in the previous year, it is advisable to start spraying before flowering, around 20-25 cm shoot stage. In the period of intensive shoot growth, from flowering onwards, treatments should be continued in blocks of 7-14 days according to the infection pressure. In epidemic situations, it may be advisable to combine with contact products (e.g. Cosavet® DF).

Domark® 10 EC mixes well with most pesticides and foliar fertilizers, but a mixing test should be carried out before starting work. As a general rule, when combining with a WG or WP formulation, this should be the first product to be added to the spray tank. Recommended combinations, mixability

For alfalfa: Against powdery mildew: Domark® 10 EC 0,3 l/ha + Cosavet® DF 3,0-5,0 kg/ha Against wilt: Domark® 10 EC 0,3-0,4 l/ha + Cuproxat® FW 4,0 l/ha, or Indofil® M-45 2,0 kg/ha Grapes: Against mildew: Domark® 10 EC 0,2 l/ha + Cosavet® DF 3,0-5,0 kg/ha
When used in a systemic block, it is recommended to combine it with copper Fusilan® WG at 2-2.5 kg/ha, which has excellent efficacy against grapevine peronospora. Domark® 10 EC is yellow rated and can be used in integrated pest management technologies.
Practical advice: in apple crops: use preventively against scab from redbud stage. Domark® 10 EC also provides protection against secondary powdery mildew infestations. In grapes: spraying should start at 20-25 cm shoot stage before flowering. During the period of intensive shoot growth, spraying should be repeated in blocks.

MODE OF ACTION The active substance in Domark® 10 EC is tetraconazole, a molecule belonging to the group of triazole-type fungicides. Accordingly, it acts by inhibiting the cell membrane assembly of pathogenic fungi through lipid synthesis. In the presence of tetraconazole, fungal ergosterol biosynthesis is blocked such that acetyl-CoA cannot be converted to steranase compounds. Its good lipid solubility ensures immediate absorption through the plant skin tissue, its excellent water solubility results in rapid transport in the sap circulation, while its vapour action guarantees uniform distribution within the plant. After spraying, the product is absorbed into the plant and protects it from the inside. Domark® 10 EC is a long-lasting formulation, with an effect lasting 10-14 days after spraying.
Weight: 0.1 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Növényvédőszer forgalmazási kategória: I. engedélyköteles

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