Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) 5 seeds

Introduction of PHYLLOSTACHYS PUBESCENS - Moso bamboo - 5 seeds/pack: Among the fastest and tallest growing bamboos. Under natural conditions, it can reach a height of 20-30 metres. Morphology: Leaves dark green in colour, bamboo stems are bluish green in colour and can reach up to 12 cm in diameter. They are planted both as ornamental plants an... Long description
HUF 3,318 * (nettó: HUF 2,613)

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Introduction of PHYLLOSTACHYS PUBESCENS - Moso bamboo - 5 seeds/pack:

Among the fastest and tallest growing bamboos. Under natural conditions, it can reach a height of 20-30 metres.


Leaves dark green in colour, bamboo stems are bluish green in colour and can reach up to 12 cm in diameter. They are planted both as ornamental plants and as hedges. It is a frost-tolerant species, making it a popular garden plant in our country.


It thrives best in full sun. They are very nutritious and water-demanding plants. Most bamboo stems are woody, hollow inside and very strong due to their silica content.
Their leaves have a lanceolate appearance, they flower at very variable intervals, their inflorescences are not decorative and the shoots wither or die back. the whole plant may die back after flowering has finished.




Common name:

Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys edulis, Moso bamboo

Phyllostix bushes, Phyllostix bushes, Phyllostix bushes, Phyllostix bushes, Phyllostix bushes, Phyllostix bushes:


Minimális hőmérséklet :

-15-18 °C


Easy, usually takes 7-14 days.

Weight: 0.025 kg
Width: 3 mm
Height: 100 mm
Length: 150 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Dísznövény

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