Tending graves - Szabolcs Megyeri

The decoration of graves with plants and flowers is one of the most beautiful ways to cherish the memory of the deceased. It's an honourable thing to regularly care for the grave of a deceased relative and to plant plants on it. But cemeteries are not just a place of remembrance, they are also a vast green space. Our book helps you plant, care... Long description
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The decoration of graves with plants and flowers is one of the most beautiful ways to cherish the memory of the deceased. It's an honourable thing to regularly care for the grave of a deceased relative and to plant plants on it. But cemeteries are not just a place of remembrance, they are also a vast green space.
Our book helps you plant, care for and maintain your graves.

From the contents

Burial customs and culture of worship
Burial customs in Christian culture
The culture of worship in our country
The history of funeral customs

Types and characteristics of burial sites
Coffin graves
Hantos graves
Graves without coffins
Types of urn burial sites

Considerations for the planting of graves
Environmental aspects
Aesthetic aspects
Economic aspects
Local grave design customs
Presentation of individual needs
Colour and formal requirements

Canopies suitable for grave planting
Requirements to be fulfilled by the leaf litter
Foliage in the cemetery

Evergreens suitable for graves
Requirements for evergreens
Coniferous evergreens most commonly used
Most commonly used evergreens
Coniferous evergreens

Ornamental perennial plants suitable for planting in graves
Ornamental perennials
Grassing of graves

Most common annual and biennial plants
Ornamental annuals
Ornamental biennials

Maintenance of grave gardens
Tools for design and maintenance
Watering graves
Nutrient replenishment
Plant protection works

Seasonal planting of plants
Planting and maintenance of annuals
Planting and maintenance of biennials
Maintenance of perennial plants
Planting procedure

Pruning woody plants
Pruning ornamental trees
Purpose of pruning
Maintenance pruning of specimen trees and shrubs
Pruning of evergreens
Pruning of ground covers

Care and maintenance of graves
Weed control of pavements
Trimming hedges
Maintenance work on verges

Maintenance of artificial elements of graves
Maintenance of wooden structures
Maintenance of stone, concrete, artificial stone elements
Maintenance of metal elements
Weight: 0.24 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db

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