Modern milk production and processing

Compared to the first half of the 20th century, only a few areas of agriculture and pseudo-farming today show such great progress as dairy farming. This development is particularly marked in the increase in milk production and the improvement of milk production and feeding methods. If we compare the post-war situation, then a period of milk shor... Long description
HUF 3,696 * (nettó: HUF 3,520)

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Compared to the first half of the 20th century, only a few areas of agriculture and pseudo-farming today show such great progress as dairy farming. This development is particularly marked in the increase in milk production and the improvement of milk production and feeding methods. If we compare the post-war situation, then a period of milk shortages, with the present situation, where there are often problems in properly managing milk supply and marketing, we can see the enormous quantitative progress that has been made.
Weight: 0.405 kg
Width: 240 mm
Height: 15 mm
Length: 170 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db

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