Edible paprika Protein Powder 0,5g
HUF 366 * (nettó: HUF 288) | |
General characteristics of peppers:
Native to Brazil and Bolivia, peppers have been consumed by mankind for at least 10,000 years and domesticated for about 6,100 years. According to an accepted theory, as László Barta writes, Hungarian paprika was introduced to Europe from India via Persia, from where it was brought by the Turks in the 16th century. The first large-berry (Kalinkói, Várnai), tomato-shaped and ram's-horn types were introduced by Bulgarian gardeners who had settled in Hungary to escape the Turkish occupation in the 19th century.
Capsicum annuum, a member of theSolanaceae family, is a tufted rooted pepper with a relatively shallow root system. Shoot system Forked branching from the 9th to 10th stem node. Based on the development of the shoot system, a distinction is made between evergreen and determinate types. The flower is bisexual, self-fertile, white in colour. The popular fruit of the pepper is a variegated, inflated berry, usually yellowish-white or green, red when ripe. The parts of the fruit are the pericarp, central column with seeds, diaphragm, cup and pedicel. The ripe berry is rich in vitamins and carotenoids and has a high vitamin C content.
Characteristics of the white pepper variety:
A determinate grower, suitable for all types of cultivation. The fruit is yellowish-white, sweet, cone-shaped, ready to fill, with an average weight of 60-70 g. The peppers are determinate, suitable for all types of production. Not susceptible to light deficiency, resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Peppers are heat-, light-, nutrient- and water-demanding plants. It requires a humus-rich, sunny, wind-protected location.
Cultivation of the white-flowered pepper variety:
February to March in a greenhouse or heated foil.
Sowing depth:
1-2 cm. From early to early: from February to early, from heat or cold, from 1 to 2 cm. Plant outdoors from mid-May, after the danger of frost has passed.
Seed requirements:
10-15 g to produce 1000 seedlings.
60x30 cm.
July to September.
Weight: | 0.001 kg |
Width: | 140 mm |
Height: | 80 mm |
Length: | 1 mm |
Aviability: | 1-4 nap |
Basic sales unit: | db |