Signum WG 0,5 kg

Thanks to its active ingredient boscalid, it is an extremely broad spectrum fungicide for a wide range of vegetables, fruits and ornamental crops. It is a solution against most fungal diseases (except peronospora). It inhibits mitochondrial electron transport in fungi.Home garden use: see description.Active ingredient: 267 g/kg boscalid 67 g/kg... Long description
HUF 24,584 * (nettó: HUF 19,357)

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Thanks to its active ingredient boscalid, it is an extremely broad spectrum fungicide for a wide range of vegetables, fruits and ornamental crops. It is a solution against most fungal diseases (except peronospora). It inhibits mitochondrial electron transport in fungi.

Home garden use: see description.

Active ingredient: 267 g/kg boscalid 67 g/kg pyraclostrobin
Marketing class: II.
Formulation: water-dispersible granules (WG)
Mechanism of action: systemic (absorbable)
Package: 100 g
Shelf life: 3 years

Be sure to read the product label before use!

In cabbage crops (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi) against alternaria, mycospherella and white fever, the product should be sprayed preventively or at the first symptoms of the disease. Treatments should be repeated every 2-3 weeks depending on the severity of the infection. A maximum of 2 applications per growing season are allowed. Dose: 20 g/10 l of water.

In parsnips, horseradish, celery, carrots and parsley, against powdery mildew, whitefly and alternaria, sprays should be applied preventively or at the first symptoms of disease. Treatment should be repeated at 7-14 day intervals depending on the severity of the infestation. The spray rate should be chosen to ensure adequate coverage of foliage and crop. Dose: 20 g/10 l water.

In month-old radishes and radishes (field and shoot) against alternaria, treatments should be started preventively and repeated after 7-10 days depending on the severity of infestation. Dose: 30 g/10 l water.

In lettuce, endive and lamb's lettuce against grey mould, white mould and rhizoctonia seedling blight and in pepper mustard (arugula) against grey mould, the herbicide should be sprayed preventively 1-2 weeks after planting. Application should be made after rooting or on the basis of an infection risk or plant health forecast. Depending on the severity of the infestation, treatments should be carried out every 10-14 days. Two applications may be made, but a minimum of 14 days must elapse between the last treatment and harvest. The spray rate should be chosen to ensure adequate coverage of foliage and crop. Dose: 30 g/10 l water.

In asparagus (also for new planting and treatment of established stands), for the control of grey mould and rust, the product may be applied at a dose of 30 g/10 l water. Sprays should be applied on the basis of a forecast, in case of risk of infection.

In strawberries (field and shoot), preventive application of the plant protection product from the beginning of flowering - in the form of a row treatment - is necessary to achieve optimum control of grey mould rot (white bud stage). Fruit rot control should be applied from the elongation of the inflorescence in case of risk of infection or in case of a plant protection forecast. For control of powdery mildew and anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum), the product should be applied preventively before the appearance of disease symptoms. For the control of mycorrhizal leaf spot and diplocarphytic leaf spot, use from the third leaf emergence in case of risk of infection or on the basis of a plant health forecast. The product may be applied up to once per growing season. Other necessary controls must be carried out with a product of a different active substance group. The spray rate should be chosen to ensure adequate coverage of foliage and crop. Dose: 36 g/10 l water.

In raspberries and blackberries, for the control of downy mildew (Didymella applanata) and grey mould, the product can be applied at a dose of 20 g/10 l water. Spraying should be based on a risk assessment or a plant health forecast.

In berries (red, black and whitecurrants, cranberries, bilberries), spraying should be based on a forecast. For the control of Drepanopsis leaf spot (from flower bud separation) and grey mould (from first flower opening), the application of the product at a dose of 20 g/10 l water should be based on risk of infection or on a plant health forecast. Pre-harvest treatment: for control of grey mould, spray preventively at the beginning of flowering and repeat after 7-14 days depending on the pressure of the infestation. For control of American powdery mildew and leaf spot on celandine and currants, the product should be sprayed preventively before the disease appears. The spray rate should be chosen to ensure adequate coverage of foliage and fruit. The product may be sprayed twice during a growing season. Subsequent treatments with other fungicides should be alternated as part of the crop protection technology. Post-harvest treatment: Signum applied post-harvest protects the foliage against American powdery mildew and leaf spot on cassis and currants, preventing post-ripening leaf drop and reduction of plant vigour which can adversely affect bud differentiation. The herbicide should be sprayed after currant harvest, before leaf senescence.

In stone fruit (cherries, sour cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines), the product is recommended for the control of moniliaceous blossom and shoot dieback, at the beginning of flowering and at main flowering. The application rate is 20 g/10 l water per metre of tree height. Possible application dates: white and red bud stage, full flowering and late flowering. Use against moniliaceous fruit rot and bluberial leaf spot should be based on risk of infection or plant health forecast.

In ornamentals (field and shoot), the product may be used against alternaria, grey mould, white mould and rhizoctonia seedling dormancy up to 50 cm plant height. Sprays should be applied on a forecast basis. Dose: 36 g/10 l of water.

For powdery mildew control in sprouted peppers, the first treatment may be necessary in the post-planting period in rock-ground crops, after which the next control may be applied after 7-14 days depending on the infection pressure. Dose: 20 g/10 l of water.

In onions (onions, garlic, shallots), spraying against alternate leaf spot and phoma blight should be started as a preventive measure, but at the latest at the first symptoms, and repeated after 7-14 days depending on the severity of the infestation. Dose: 20 g/10 l water.

Weight: 0.5 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Dísznövény, Gyümölcs, Szőlő, Zöldség
Növényvédőszer forgalmazási kategória: II. engedélyköteles

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