Marigold colour mix 1g

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a medicinal and ornamental plant. Calendula has been used since the Middle Ages to treat intestinal disorders and liver ailments.This orange-flowered plant is still used today for a wide range of effects, including asthma, coughs, insomnia, palpitations and anxiety. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and... Long description
HUF 366 * (nettó: HUF 288)

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Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a medicinal and ornamental plant.

Calendula has been used since the Middle Ages to treat intestinal disorders and liver ailments.This orange-flowered plant is still used today for a wide range of effects, including asthma, coughs, insomnia, palpitations and anxiety. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic.

Soil requirements:

Requires loose, medium-textured soil with medium nutrients.


April to its final location. Do not cover sowing as it germinates in the light.


30 x 15 cm.


Half-double flowers open continuously in various shades of yellow. Excellent for planting in flowerbeds and graves. The taller varieties can also be used as cut flowers. Cut off the open flowers to keep them blooming longer.

Weight: 0.001 kg
Width: 140 mm
Height: 80 mm
Length: 1 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Díszkert, Dísznövény

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